What color is your nose today?

bill berry, Jr & Lisa Brennan (photo by:  Carrie O'Grady)

Unless you are enjoying your head in the clouds and have not come down to Earth [and that is alright,] you should know today is "Red Nose Day" to raise funds to help eradicate poverty in children. There is a fundraiser on NBC this evening, and folks are asked to get a red nose and wear it whenever and wherever  you can (red noses are available at Walgreen's drug stores for $1.)  Of course, on tonight's show there will be info on the various ways that you can donate.

As you know, poverty is running rampant especially affecting children.  Whatever you do, do something.   Real change is achieved in small ways and measured steps.

Plus, the red nose will make you feel happy and bring a smile to someone else!


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