It would be a PARTY!

This afternoon, Lisa and I talked about how festive the affair would be if we could magically gather the contributors for aaduna's premier issue in the same space with the Board of Advisors, the creative/publication team, guest readers/editors, and partners.  From our end, we can feel the positive energy and spirit from our charter group of authors and artists.  In the next few days, I will announce the contributors in an e- to the BOA along with the date for the initial board meeting, as well as a major change to aaduna notes

FYI: Lisa will be getting out marketing requests to the aaduna community in the next few days, and we need for each of you to get the word out to your friends, colleagues, and associates.  Your effort will have a twofold purpose: to attract possible submitters for our Spring/Summer 2011 Issue, and continue to build our potential readership base.  I thank you for any initiatives that you elect to do to keep aaduna moving forward.     
