To Dance Is To Be Free…

Interestingly, over time, we have seen the intricacies and subtleties of dance movement transition to sport activities like football, boxing, other athletic endeavors, and the ever changing world of weight loss regimens. While we may not admit it, most of us have “danced in the rain;” purposely stomped in rain puddles, and even twirled around a wet and slick lamp post mimicking what we witnessed in a movie. We have marveled at the grace and expression conveyed by dancers in public performance and wished we were able to move like that. And yet, have you ever wondered what happens when a dancer takes the dynamics of her performance craft to another creative art? What is achieved when a nationally well-respected dancer and instructor produces a body of poetry. Well, the result is what aaduna wants to share with you. And, Phylise Smith (Photo Provided) her name is Phylise Smith. Here is an excerpt from her poem, “Halloween:” Halloween night, in ...