Maybe you want to rap or perform “spoken word” or know someone who does.
While some critics wish that rap will disappear, and some traditionalists bemoan the emergence of spoken word, these two art forms are here to stay and continue to grow with the embrace of the public. When printed, what happens to the facial expressions, nuances and body movements of rap and/or spoken word? Timothy Ogene, contributing editor Here is an excerpt from Timothy Ogene’s essay, “ On Spoken Word Poetry: From Stage to Text” from the Second Anniversary 2013 Issue available at All poems are written to be read aloud or in silence. But some [are] especially written to be performed and acted out. However, when poems appear in an anthology or a collection, they are all subjected to the same reading/interpretation standard, except where a note strictly directs you to pause and perform a particular poem. So you pause, in a train for instance, and perform the poem because the editor said so? No, the poem, like the rest is given an equal silent or the sp...