Eloquent, Romantic, Witty...the world of Maloney
Jennifer Maloney, "word, revisited" featured poet, playwright and author, Carriage House Theater, Auburn, NY October 10, 2019 We all know and have experienced {I suspect} occasions when words do not adequately convey the dynamics of a special, magical moment. For an audience of wordsmiths, to achieve that level of respect and admiration is testament to a profoundly entrenched creative spirit. A spirit that knows how to weave words into complex emotions; to position poetic phrases to elicit humorous moments filled with the complexities of pathos and ethos. To inspire and have listeners explore individual worlds that define who that person is to themselves as well as to others. That is talent, and that is Jennifer Maloney. https://youtu.be/yoV4cGyUAQk Her featured presentation at the October 10th session of " word, revisited " at the Carriage House Theater, Cayuga Museum of History and Art is best expressed in photos. Words may not do...