When postponement means expect the unexpected

Many of you have been participants in the annual aaduna fundraiser celebrating the “spirit of the Harlem Renaissance” convened on the 4 th Thursday in May. aaduna has been doing that celebration for the past 4 years. And in 2019, within the 100 th anniversary of the pivotal “Harlem Renaissance,” aaduna will bring to closure its remembrances of that spirit in a gala and transitional manner. The May event has been postponed until the fall 2019. We realize there is so much to commemorate and celebrate as far as contributions of people of African decent to American and global culture that we will transition to celebrating in the spirit other pivotal African Diaspora festivities. We will celebrate the closure of our “In the Spirit of theHarlem Renaissance” and kick-off new adventures exploring other cultural spirits on Thursday, October 31, 2019. That’s right Halloween evening!!! Get ready for a party that will be unforgettable...