Lest We Forget
A ctivists, allies, and cultural creatives continue to advance strategic actions to chip away at systemic institutional social injustices based on race/ethnicity/culture. In that spirit, we must remain mindful of the legacies inherent in American history and do not overlook ancestors who were drenched in and willing participants in furthering racial animosity. Some folks may wonder what has changed over the subsequent centuries. I wonder, what are the descendants of avowed racists doing to passionately reject their family’s past? Are they concerned that a racist gene may lay silently in their DNA? Do white folks ever question that their basic societal privilege is a consequence of simply being white and not due to any innate personal abilities? In August and September, once again, Americans will be cloaked in significant historic anniversaries. These recognitions are not embedded in fiction or poetic imaginary or artistic explorations. As historic reality, activists, alig...