This is how we do it! The Gala...
Kirsten Wise, Executive Director/Cayuga Museum, Doug Curry, featured poet, Howard Nelson, featured poet, Karen Faris, featured poet, Tamara J. Madison, featured poet, "Sweet Daddy Beaujolais" MC, aka bill berry, Jr., CEO/Publisher/aaduna Inc., Chris Wilbur, artist/Boneheads exhibit, "Cruella De Vil" aka Lisa Brennan, Manager/Visual Arts Editor/aaduna Inc. So, if you wondered what it was like and you were not there, well, you may never know what it was really like. I guess it is similar to not making it to the original Woodstock festivities. You hear stories. Read after the fact narratives. See documentaries and video clips. Yet, you will never know the emotional rush. The costumes and swagger; the laughter and spirited conversations; the joyous and festive reactions to the musicians, sisterhood, artwork, poets, writers and Sweet Daddy Beaujolais meshed to create a magical evening that will never be duplicated. The aaduna Halloween Gala Fundraiser, an an...