Tubman's Centennial Rocked!!!
This past weekend [March 8-10] celebrated the 100th year anniversary of the passing of Harriet Tubman. Wreath @ Harriet Tubman's Grave Site, Fort Hill Cemetery, Auburn, NY Wreath laying ceremony, March 9, 2013 Harriet Tubman Grave Site Lisa Brennan, aaduna visual arts editor, aaduna poet, Cyd Charisse Fulton, and bill berry, aaduna Inc. CEO/aaduna Publisher The Gathering on Saturday, March 9th 2013, Harriet Tubman's Grave Site Original Site, Thompson Memorial AME Zion Church aaduna elected to offer its contribution to the centennial festivities by premiering original poems inspired by Tubman, and written and read by Cyd Charisse Fulton at Thompson Memorial African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church in Auburn, NY on March 10th at 3 PM. Tubman passed on March 10, 1913 and the public viewed her body a few days later starting at 3 PM at the original site of Thompson Memorial, Parker Street, Auburn, NY. The Fulton reading attracted close to...