Congratulations are in order!

aaduna Board members make things happen and have an impact on their communities locally and regionally. Here is a brief update on what aaduna Board members and advisors are up to: Dr. Walt Aikman , faculty member at Cayuga Community College and natural resources consultant, was recognized on May 29 th by the city of Auburn during an annual awards program for his efforts toward environmental preservation and urban forestry. The city's Historic Resources Review Board presented Dr. Aikman its Award for Landscape Preservation in a ceremony recognizing National Preservation Month. His award was for his work in preserving the city's urban forestry. Walt was recognized by the HRRB for his role as an environmental advocate, educator and frequent volunteer teaching the public about invasive species or planting trees citywide, Aikman is often among those spearheading these enterprises. Sean McLeod has been busy for the past several months in New York City leadin...