This is how aaduna rolls...

To their credit, I have known executives at one or two online literary journals that aggressively pursued Council of Literary Magazines and Presses (CLMP) membership as soon as their first issue launched. Their aggressiveness and operational processes taught me that CLMP imprimatur was, and is worth, seeking. That acceptance brings a degree of legitimacy, officialdom, and is an extremely valuable added designation. So, what did I do with aaduna? I waited. I do not think my waiting was a result of arrogance, timidity, apprehension or even a fear of rejection. I was after something else spurned by the aaduna Mission and philosophical objectives. I wanted sufficient time to build a community of global writers and artists who could feel and experience an affinity with aaduna simply because we treated our published poets, writers and visual artists with respect. I wanted those artists to experience our actuality, grounded and seeded in our commitment to them as we gave real life manifestat...