The Complexities of Creativity
Many readers may know a creative individual and even embrace that person as a friend or easily an associate, a colleague. And many creatives are singular in their pursuit: dance, music, art, theater, writing etc. And several creatives develop an complementary artistic interest that supplements if not complements their primary artistic interest. And then there is that smaller cohort of creatives whose imaginative reach impacts several fields; those folks naturally evolve into a whirlwind of artistic endeavors. Karen Faris (photo provided) Karen Faris is one of those whirlwinds. With a quiet demeanor and inquisitive mind, she is hard to pigeonhole. At one point, she can be seen as a poet, then writer, then fabric artist, then papermaker, then photographer, then whatever her creative mind latches on to for her to quelch her insatiable creative mind. So, this description may not necessarily serve her well; but you can meet and greet her at the aaduna gala fundraiser on Thurs...