Navigating the heart: a journey marked by pseudo-political correctness, inclusion, misplaced ideology, and misdirection. This ain’t “Pokémon Go.”
The “rope-a-dope,” the baseball player’s ball hidden in the glove to pick off someone on a base, inflated or deflated footballs, doping…throughout human endeavors there have been and continue to be sleight of hands trickery, nefarious schemes to cheat or win influence, or just hiding behind the concept that “all is fair in….” While one national political party convention presented a dark assessment of America; cautionary warnings of dire straits ahead, and the only solution being a righteous return to the “good old days” under a single leader who will re-position the country on the right track, the other meeting is approaching closure projecting a different, somewhat Ronald Reagan influenced portrayal of where America is at this point in time. The "one left standing" national political gathering now sits at a supposedly “common ‘unified’ table,” and continues to be impacted by thunderous and repetitive external misconceptions addressing the meeting's political corre...