I’ll Stand by You aka Taking it to the Streets
January 20 th , the first anniversary of the US president’s service to American citizens, and the second Women’s March that is highlighting several action issues directly pertaining to women with specific recognition of and support for social justice and human rights issues. Who do you stand with? Unfortunately, this is a chaotic time in American history with a radially splintered American society. Compromise is all too often frustrated by a refusal on the part of differing parties to budge from pre-established positions on a wide variety of issues. Who do you stand with? Interestingly, you may want to re-listen to the president’s Inauguration speech delivered January 20, 2017 and compare those statements with the themes intrinsic to the 2017 and 2018 Women’s March. Better still, pay attention to remarks made by the US national leader when the previous president had to deal with a government shutdown. Who do you stand with? Lies versus ...