
Showing posts from June 18, 2017

One Enchanting Evening…

Bobbie Dumas Panek, featured author/poet,"word revisited" June 22nd (photo by Lisa Brennan, aaduna) Her words seeped into our consciousness; soared our understanding to new heights; took celebration to another level. Her words brought new meaning to Nature and its glorious radiance. She made everyday existence of ponds, insects, vegetable gardens, birds and the melodies of the night, chipmunks, turtles and the graciousness and dignity of aging to emotional levels of reflection. And she cast childhood in Nature’s arena with a gentleness of adulthood sensibilities grounded in remembrances. Bobbie Dumas Panek closed the spring 2017 season of “ word, revisited ” sponsored by The Cayuga Museum of History and Art, Olive Trees, and aaduna at Theater Mack with sublime grace, dignity, and a spirit of sharing. And we applaud her reading as the featured speaker and ongoing commitment to the “word.” (left to right)  Heidi Nightengale, Megan DeBolt, Karen Faris...

Add a joyous spark to your Life...Panek your spirit...THIS Thursday

word, revisited Thursday, June 22 nd at 6:00 PM Theater Mack/Cayuga Museum, Auburn, NY Bobbie Dumas Panek, author/poet  (photo via google images) Bobbie Dumas Panek is a revered poet, writer, and an icon in the literary circles of the city of Auburn, Cayuga County, Central New York, and beyond these well-defined geographical regions.   Undoubtedly, we have learned that creativity and talent can never be placed in a holding cell, fenced in, or defined by spatial or artificial boundaries.   C reative expressions and qualities need to grow and be nurtured, and Ms. Panek has consistently expanded and stretched her arena of creative influence.   As a newspaper columnist, writer, poet, and reader of her works, Bobbie continues to position herself to achieve new and higher goals.   More importantly, she brings her readers, fans and supporters along with her.   She understands that the literary journey is one that is community based and ...