Embolden and Nourish Your Spirit!

after 12 years, still badass…still promoting literary words and visual arts on aaduna’s terms…still multicultural, gender diverse, intergenerational; embracing all creatives regardless of “isms” with no apologies to anyone or group…still exploring the outer regions where unexplored words and visuals twirl uninterrupted for those who dare seek to harness that creative power within the realm where music still defines the contours and nuances of life’s activities…simply, aaduna dares! Here is a headz-up worth noting. Copy and paste the following link: https://aadunanotes.blogspot.com/2022/10/embolden-and-nourish-your-spirit.html and forward to your friends, family, colleagues, e-mail distribution lists and just maybe even those folks who you no longer like or get on your last nerve! We need you to help get the word out! To everyone. <><><> aaduna is finally back at The Carriage House Theater, Cayug...