a different shade of grey...aaduna style
Hedy M. Gray (photo provided) Hedy M. Gray does not bring meaningless hype or artificial suspense to her storytelling. She does imbibe "One Blue Mitten" with subtle nuances, imagery, and her own shades of Gray. Here is the opening to Hedy's story that will appear in the forthcoming issue of aaduna : T he old lady breathed an unseen deep, heavy sigh. She was resigned to her fate. The monitor levels shot up a bit, then settled back down. There were no other signs of life except the dull monotonous hum of the pumps. There was no one there to see her except the bright eyes of the monitors. Oh no, she thought. Here they come again. Why can't they just leave me alone? I'm tired, so tired... it's been so long... too long. I wish I were a bird, then I would flap my wings and just fly away. Nothing's any good any more. But sometimes I remember when it was g...