Teasing, Gladden is back!!!

Frank A Gladden, fiction writer/poet, Silver Spring, Maryland 2011 Pushcart Prize nominee and contributor to last year's premier issue, Frank A. Gladden returns with another poignant story titled, "Needs" that will ignite your imagination. Here is a brief excerpt: The police officer glanced around again, pulled his sunglasses down his nose, and slid out the car. He adjusted his cap and pushed his glasses up with his finger, tossed his Playboy magazine on the seat of his cruiser and walked in my direction. "Hey slick!" he yelled. I turned around to face the tall, imposing, ruddy-faced man with what appeared to be burn scars covering the left side of his face—striding toward me. Several cars on the narrow street slowed to a stop. “Me?" I asked, tou...