In revelry, there is closure, there is beginning

Excitement that the next issue of aaduna will be launched in the next few days that will bring closure to the journal’s period of absence. Excitement that we are already gearing and queuing submissions for read and review for the fall and winter 2019 issues. Excitement that during the past year, prior aaduna contributors have published new work: books, articles, chapbooks, as well as mounting exhibitions of new and retrospective work, and received international and national recognition through participation in juried retreat opportunities and awards. It is always a pleasure to hear from contributors who maintain a level of creative excellence and have the opportunity to read and see their new work. And it is always an intriguing experience to present the work of prior contributors in any new issue and the forthcoming issue will be no exception. Quiana Katumu has been added to that list of esteemed returnees. Quiana Katumu, photo provided Her non-fiction w...