Saluting Poetic Heroes

Jim Ellis (photo provided) Every community has unsung and all too often unrecognized individuals who move forward a positive and challenging literary agenda that inspires and enhances creativity. A supporter of all activities that promote poetry, Jim is a primary and significant founder, as well as bulwark of a monthly poetry circle in Auburn, NY. Jim i s a renaissance gentleman and witty intellectual, raconteur, and overall great guy. When he reads his work, Mr. Ellis always acknowledges poets whose work should be part of an listener's canon of accessible poetry. Today is no different. So, we convene this week’s “Avenues” with a selected poem by Jim followed by two of his works. Enjoy. Sharing a brilliant poem by Alicia Ostriker and a couple by me. J *** THIRSTING Alicia Ostriker It’s not that the old are wise But that we thirst for the wisdom we had at twenty when we understood everything wh...