Tired? Maybe we should open all our windows and scream “ I am not going to take it anymore.”
https://youtu.be/ThB0uAbjhGY New Normal? America will change? And America’s change will influence other countries? Folks who have been traditionally, over centuries and decades, remained the least privileged while being shunted to the sidelines (i.e. kicked to the curb) will never be invited to the head of the table? Biblical stories are best positioned as fantasy for believers. Believe those stories. In the new decade, change is gonna come? Really? Believe that story. Maybe, cultural, non-profit and corporate institutions will begin to witness the truth; not be concerned about donor money or profit bottom lines, and articulate what is needed by people who face death more than others in the face of “19’s” continued rampage. The people who still must service the whims of the privileged. Wait for the new normal? It will remain the centuries old and universally embraced current normal as to how we treat people who are different from us in race, culture and clas...