Look Out for Jurkovic and Knight and Wyman in the next aaduna issue!

Here is a brief excerpt from Mike Jurkovic’s poem, “Talking w/Roberta about the Civil War” I'm getting out of here no matter how many kings or clowns stand in my way. This two-crayon country is close to war and the South has more weapons this time. More trigger happy rebels than the last time we in the North supposedly won. Intrigued as to where this poem goes? Vol. 4, No.2 is coming…summer is not over yet! And what about this two-crayon country??? Natasha Knight weaves magic and enchantment in her poem “Wonder,” Here is a snippet: I used to hear the fairies wings fly through my backyard but now the grass is silent as still as a tree. I used to see the dragon hiding in the tree, playfully nipping me as I climbed, but now the dragon has left me and I sit there all alone. I used to dance with the elves underneath the bright moonlight, our joyful laughter echoing all night long. But now the elves are hiding, though all nig...