Indian Summer and aaduna? When, Where, Why…
While there are several interpretations about the designation “Indian Summer,” there are legitimate indications that Native Americans in the United States started to observe this “season” within a season. Without a doubt, there has to be a variety of weather conditions that must exist to apply this term. Some folks say it started on November 2, while others suggest that it can not start until November 11 and end by November 20 th . We say, “Regardless….” Well, when our former esteemed colleague Keith Leonard talked about having a summer/fall issue, little did we know (at that time) that he was wistfully itching for an issue that would be launched during “Indian Summer .” Now that we exist with his ever present spirit, maybe he knew something that we did not. Anyway… Here are a few more snippets from aaduna’s summer/fall 2015 contributors for you to savor and look forward to: Bruce Ellis Alford, (photo provided) Bruce Ellis Alford’s o...