We are, who we are, and who we say we are.

Multicultural, Diverse, Embracing, Intergenerational, the words float and scatter, hold true, create artificiality, misunderstanding ad nauseam. There are many entities that expound multicultural, diverse and other societal buzz words of inclusion that are shaded by artificiality. Why? Because you cannot see or easily discern people of color, people of different sexual orientation, people with various political, or religious beliefs, or those who find solace in racial or cultural identity, or intergenerational status etc. etc. etc. in the public scope of those entities’ actions. Since 2011, aaduna has sought to provide a viable and global platform for people of color and others whose spirit and creativity did not fit into the pre-established norms of acceptance associated with traditional literary genres and concepts of art and visual representations. aaduna sought to be a gateway for those who had been traditionally denied access t...