So,when was the last time you killed a moth? Recently or in the past recesses of your you regret your action?
D id that insect bother you as it flickered around a light bulb? S cared your children as it flitted overhead as they slept peacefully? Moco McCaulay (Photo Provided) W ell, embrace this simple fact.... Moco McCaulay's tale is a "fiction" piece titled, "The Carbonaria Kingdom." I am reminded of the purpose and intent of "Gulliver's Travels." Maybe, I am just projecting... trying to create a memory from my distant past. And yet, Moco's tale is contemporary and pertinent as was the Gulliver of long ago. A different time, a different decide. Anyway,... take some McCaulay's synopsis of his work. The entire fiction story will appear in the spring 2016 issue of aaduna coming later this month...mid-late May. Set your digital alerts. aaduna delivers and always challenges your sense of what the world should be...maybe, maybe not. You decide. A ...