
Showing posts from August 25, 2013

This is Ayana Edwards...summer 2013 issue excerpt. ENJOY

    THE UNFAIRNESS OF LOVE     They tangled. Lovers legs and brown eyes still in the very early morning. When everything they had lied about to get to this point, hanged, in the warm summer heat. The fan that had been rotating all night to cool their skin, wasn’t enough. Every sweaty lie that had been told between their skins came and rattled them from their sleep. One by one, waking them from their dreams. His long dreads swung with his moods. Her full hips absorbed his indecisiveness. Their friendship made trivial by the tears he kept walled up behind his eyes, and the few that blessed her cheeks, barely moist.     READ THE READ THE REST OF THIS POEM AND ANOTHER WORK BY AYANA IN THE SUMMER 2013 ISSUE...COMING SOON.