Hump day? Does not have to be...

especially when words can enchant and emit magical images that soothes your mind.

Tiffany Haty (photo provided)

Tiffany Haty found home at aaduna as we eradicated her unwanted aura of “never been published.”  Her creative non-fiction essay, “The Tall Night of the Nyekundu Woman and Depth of Words Spoken” erases that designation and positions her to share more of her work with the public. 

Here is the opening paragraph of "Nyekundu Woman," and don’t fret, there is more to share in the forthcoming spring 2016 issue of aaduna:

Daughter of the flowing earth, she was the embodiment of grace in a deep golden brown female form, and wore the spiritual nobility of her land as one of royal stature would wear gold. Around her beautifully shaped head and around her average sized bust and small waist she wore a bright yellow and brown African print fabric wrapped tightly around her head and body, which draped down in the fashion of a sarong, to her bare feet. She stood tall and slender in her village, near a large grass hut amid the vast continent of ancient Africa thousands of years ago when the land was young. 

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aaduna - a timeless exploration into words and images - is a globally read, multi-cultural, and diverse online literary and visual arts journal established in 2010.  Visit us at where we put measurable actions to our words.

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