What happens when Art hosts Poetic Words, and Poetry interacts with Art?

Karen Faris, Author/Poet/Performer [photo provided]

What happens is A Special Celebratory Book Launch at a Rochester Art Gallery: 

Sherry Tulloch, Artist & Host, First Friday/March 6th Book Launch Event

You are cordially invited to join artist Sherry Tulloch in her studio as she welcomes guest author-poet and visual artist, Karen Faris on the occasion of the release of her newest chapbook, “The Death of Compassion” a limited edition, numbered and dated collection of intriguing, contemporary poetry published in collaboration with aaduna, Inc.

Karen will read selections from “The Death of Compassion” at 7 and 8 PM. Her limited-edition book will be available for purchase ($16/book.)

bill berry, jr., CEO/Publisher, aaduna, Inc.

bill berry, jr. CEO, aaduna, Inc, and publisher of aaduna, a thrice yearly online multicultural literary and visual arts journal will introduce Ms. Faris.

Now, plan to join Sherry, Karen and bill:

First Friday
March 6, 2020, 6-9 PM
Anderson Alley, Studio #208
250 Goodman Street, Rochester, NY 14607

Celebrate art and words, words and art!

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aaduna - an online adventure with words and images - a globally read, multi-cultural, and diverse online literary and visual arts journal established in 2010.  Visit us at www.aaduna.org where we put measurable actions to our words.

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aaduna-Inc aaduna-Inc  Visit regularly for updates !
