Being Blessed…a conversation with poet and writer, Tamara J. Madison...don't miss it!

Tamara J. Madison

In her words:  

We had lots of trees and an old school neighborhood with porch parties and the accompanying record player with card games, jacks, and hair braiding as a standard.  

My realities of racism and prejudice are quite vivid, quite.

Hedgebrook was also a wonderful opportunity for me to care for myself and breathe.  Having my own cottage with lunch left on my doorstep daily in a covered basket was a dream! 

I performed spoken word organically before I knew there was such a thing as “spoken word” as an art form. 

Don’t miss the entire interview with Tamara J. Madison available now at and get the opportunity to read “Barren”, poetic fiction dedicated to the 400 victims of the syphilis experiment and a new poem in progress, “Belly of Angel: Fallen”.

Her work , "Melisma" will be featured in printed and audio versions as part of aaduna's Fall 2011 issue slated for launch on October 3rd
