Hope the Start to Your New Year was Festive and Happy

Happy New Year!
Lisa Brennan & bill berry, jr

I hope your holiday festivities were grand and this year enables you to embrace those goals that you want to achieve for yourself and family. 

Lisa Brennan, Ellen Blalock, bill berry, jr & Patricia Clark

Ellen, Bill and Pat
The new year started out with a delightful and wonderful Kwanzaa affair hosted at the home of Ellen Blalock and Patricia Clark.  Lisa and I met several interesting folks while soaking in the ambiance of art and culture that permeates Ellen and Pat's abode.  We feel blessed, most importantly, by their friendship, as well as the colleagueship that we share.  (Both serve on the aaduna Board of Directors and Pat is the vice-president.)        

As the first official day of getting back to work is blanketed by snow and 14 degree cold weather, we will re-start our engines and move forward to get the February issue ready for launch. 

Have a great year!!!
