aaduna has an activist Board

The aaduna Board of Directors convened on Monday, May 7th for an evening of spirited and challenging discussion while developing constructive recommendations for aaduna’s continued growth and development. While no formal actions were taken at this session, the board requested an expansion of the timeframe to receive and review meeting reports so they can have more time to devote to discussing strategic planning and institutional viability at their September meeting.
(l-r) Dave Bergan, President & Billye Chabot, Treasurer

Patricia Clark, Vice President

Walt Aikman, Secretary 

Patricia Clark & Dave Bergan

Ellen Blalock & Walt Aikman

bill berry, jr

Many thanks to BOD member, Sheila Applegate
(missing from photos) for documenting the evening which began at 6:30PM and adjourned close to 10:00 PM. 
Sean McLeod and Patricia Clark
