aaduna has secured co-sponsorship for our "Feeding Off Of The North Star," Harriet Tubman 100th year, March 10th celebration from NEW YORK CITY!!!!! 

We are proud to include the tagline:

"This event is funded in part by Poets & Writers, Inc. through public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the City Council. “Feeding Off of the North Star” is part of a series of programmatic activities sponsored by aaduna, Inc. with the support of the Sovereign Foundation. This event is presented in collaboration with Thompson Memorial AME Zion Church."

 KUDOS to Bill Berry, aaduna publisher - for securing this grant! Thank you for our continuing sponsor, Sovereign Foundation, NYC based for supporting aaduna efforts since 2010.

We are forever grateful for this support!
Posted by Lisa Brennan, aaduna visual arts editor, executive manager of administration & marketing
