Get an aaduna tee-shirt for FREE...really for FREE!
That’s right we are giving away 3 aaduna tee-shirts and will pay shipping and handling. No cost to you! So, what’s the catch you ask yourself?
Here it is.
All interested
participants who answer correctly
all of the following three questions by November 15th will be in a
drawing. On November 16, we will
select three random winners from this pool.
We notify the winners via e-mail; get their mailing address and choice
of color (black or gray, one size only, which is large,) and mail the tee.
That’s it!
Here are the questions (with a clue thrown in here ‘n’
there) and the first clue is that all three questions pertain to the summer2014 issue only: (
#1. The following
lines are from what poem?
For this town was our world:a lake, a dog chasing down a piece of tree.
#2. Who or what
is the “Wild Goose” and what story is this reference found in?
#3. Who makes
“digital collages about being human?”
E-mail your answers to no later than
November 15th.
Good Luck!
N.B. aaduna staff and
summer 2014 issue contributors are excluded from participating in this
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