When More is not enough, there is Mohr.

Michael Mohr (photo provided)

Michael Mohr's non-fiction graces the pages of the upcoming issue of aaduna. Here is the opening to his piece, "Conquering Mount Whitney: The Push of a Lifetime."

I’ve spent a lot of time in the mountains. From an early age, my father and I would hike in the ranges of Ojai—my hometown—a blip on the map twenty minutes inland from the coast, an hour north of L.A. After my youth, I’d spent years on and off hitchhiking all over the United States, sometimes going into the woods—without anybody knowing—for a week at a time, with only minimal food and water, surviving just fine, reading Keroauc’s On the Road.

            But one thing I’d never done was climb a serious mountain, or experience real altitude.

            Fast forward to age thirty. I met a young man my age who’d recently tackled Mount Ranier. For some unconscious reason, this man’s trip to Ranier inspired in myself a strong, palpable desire to tackle something I’d never tackled before; to do the thing I’d always, deep down inside, wanted to do—to face the symbolic ascent of life within me: to ascend a serious mountain.

So when more is not enough, there will be Mohr!  We will also feature another piece by Michael, "Are You a Writer or an Author" in aaduna's 5th anniversary/spring 2015 issue....scheduled to launch in mid-April.


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