All too often, it does take a village...

If you are a resident of Auburn, NY, reside in the Finger Lakes region or CNY, or visiting for the holiday weekend, you are invited to attend and encouraged to participate in a community and city-wide event on this Monday, January 18, 2016.

The newly formed Diverse Auburn committee of the Harriet Tubman Center for Justice & Peace will host a Martin Luther King, Jr. Day event to be held at Auburn Public Theater.

"Celebrate Diverse Auburn"

MLK Jam Night

Read a poem - Sing a song - Tell your story

Monday, January 18, 2016

4:00 p.m. - until we're done!
Auburn Public Theater

8 Exchange Street

Downtown Auburn, NY 13021


Free and open to the public

Community members and visitors of all ages are invited to celebrate diversity and Martin Luther King, Jr. in whatever form that takes for each person: readings, poetry, song, dance, story telling, or however one is inspired! The early segment of the event will be reserved for elementary and school age children, with high school, college students and adults taking the later spots. Performers as well as audience members are invited to join us.

Diverse Auburn is working to create a welcoming atmosphere for the culturally diverse citizens of Auburn, NY as well as the scores of visitors that are expected to visit the forthcoming Harriet Tubman National Historical Park. 

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aaduna - a timeless exploration into words and images - is a globally read, multi-cultural, and diverse literary and visual arts journal established in 2010.  Visit us at where we put measurable actions to our words.

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