Intriguing Possibilities: Crowley and Forrest - aaduna's spring 2017 issue excerpts

Dr. John W. Crowley (photo provided)

When aaduna started in 2011, one of its core missions was to provide a viable platform for established writers who were looking to expand their expertise, explore new genres and create other avenues for presenting their work.   John W. Crowley taught American literature for forty-two years, all but ten of them, at Syracuse University, where he chaired the English department for three years.  Dr. Crowley has published scholarly books, essays and reviews.  He has also written an (unpublished) novel as an experiment in seeing fiction from the inside out.  A prior aaduna contributor, here are the opening paragraphs to John’s essay, “Grand Theft Biblio.”  

The “book man” may be a woman. Either way she or he crisscrosses campus each semester, wheeling a hand truck toward open office doors and offering to haul away the faculty’s spare stock. Most highly sought are “examination copies,” provided free by textbook publishers in hopes of winning classroom adoptions. If such a book is assigned, it undergoes a categorical change, becoming a “desk copy” for the instructor’s personal use only and not for resale. So reads a stamp on the book’s outer edge: a universally ignored admonition.
            If an instructor plans to reuse a “desk copy,” it finds a place somewhere on the crowded office shelves. Otherwise the overflow can be peddled to the book man, who asks no questions and makes no distinctions. A book is a book is a book. Anything resalable will do because what the faculty heedlessly discards for a few dollars puts considerably more than that in the book man’s pocket.

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Allen Forrest, Self Portrait (c) 2017

Allen Forrest breathes the intricacies of life, the vibrancy of colors, the torrent of enchanting and memorable images, and a cascade of myriad emotional responses into his artwork.  A prior aaduna contributor, Allen’s recent work is a natural and welcomed complement to the spring 2017 anniversary issue.  His work will be featured as the cover art for the spring issue and soon you will be able to savor his full exhibition in the summer 2017 issue.  For now, here is a single glimpse

"Blues Singers Memphis Minnie & Kansas Joe," oil on canvas, Allen Forrest, artist (c) 2017

STAY TUNED.   aaduna spring 2017 issue is launching soon!

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aaduna - a timeless exploration into words and images - is a globally read, multi-cultural, and diverse online literary and visual arts journal established in 2010.  Visit us at where we put measurable actions to our words.

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