Our Collective Appreciation, Thanks, and Applause
With the aplomb that she is noted for, last evening, Patricia Roth Schwartz took her “word,revisited” audience, who came to the Carriage House Theater, Cayuga Museum of History & Art, on an enchanting poetic journey that took flight with birds; re-captured memories of childhood times in West Virginia; the intrigue and dynamic creativity of incarcerated men in the Auburn Correctional Facility; the intricacies and adventures of loving someone, and the racial turmoil of past and present times, as well as matters of citizen resistance. All in one reading!
Schwartz, a prolific published poet, writer, raconteur, and writing workshop leader, presented a gracious evening of words that soared, rested, and resumed its journey of emboldening the imagination of participants. During her Q&A with sublime grace, she bantered about her life and evolution of becoming a poet, and her adventures as a student with other noted “celebrities.” {Next time you see her, ask her about Checkers, the family dog of the White House Nixons.}
Patricia Roth Schwartz, featured author/poet, "word, revisited" September 28, 2017 |
With a quiet gentleness and nuanced phrases that extolled discovery and wonderment of Life’s simple pleasures, Schwartz adroitly and pleasantly set the “bar” for the open mic participants who delivered a diverse array of poetic creativity that elevated the entire evening. Karen Faris, Rachael Ikins, Jim Ellis, and Debra Rose Brillati individually and collectively brought an enriching closure to the evening of words that played happily over and around, and between each other.
“word, revisited” occurs on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month at the Carriage House Theater, the performance space for the Cayuga Museum in Auburn, New York. Open mic sign up is at 5:30 PM and the featured speaker takes the stage at 6. There is an intermission before open mic for audience members to converse with the speaker, enjoy each other’s company, partake of beverages and snacks for sale, and purchase books by the presenter if available. With the exception of purchased books, the $3/person admission and all beverage and souvenir sales directly support the ongoing work and Mission of the Cayuga Museum.
“word, revisited” is a collaborative initiative and literary partnership involving the Cayuga Museum, Olive Trees, a print publication of poetry, brief fiction and artwork, and aaduna, an online journal of words and images. The fall 2017 series of “word, revisited” ends on November 9th.
October 12: Dr. John W. Crowley, essayist, literary scholar
October 26: Heidi Nightengale, poet, publisher
November 9: Jim Ellis, poet and poetry archivist
& Dan Cleveland, poet and musician
Need more Patricia Roth Schwartz?
October 6th, she will read a few “…Crow” poems at the Finger Lakes Arts Council (FLAC) on Genesee Street, downtown Auburn, NY
October 7th, Pat will conduct a free writer’s workshop from 10 am – 12 pm at the Artworks Gallery of the Seneca County Arts Council on Fall Street in downtown Seneca Falls, New York.
October 14th, the multi-talented Schwartz will teach “Making Your Own Fairy House at the Seneca County Arts Council, Fall Street, Seneca Falls.” Register and get information regarding cost via fireflypoet@sage-thyme.com
aaduna -
an online adventure with words and images - a globally read,
multi-cultural, and diverse online literary and visual arts journal
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