Have you missed us? Well, soon you will get more of us than what you imagined or really wanted!!!

As we move through the fourth day of winter 2017, we are putting technical issues that plagued and sent our systems down behind us since we are back up and running.  


Quite literally…we are trying to catch up to the fleeting time that we lost even as time continues to move forward without any help from anyone!  With that said....

We are working to get the forthcoming issue ready…content and genre categories are being finalized.  After that, we will code the entire issue, upload, and then do a final read/review/edit of the issue platform. 

The promotional blurbs on the upcoming aaduna issue featuring exciting contributors will kick-off next week until the issue is launched and even thereafter.  So...

Enjoy the start of winter, its various festive and blessed holidays, and have a rousing, fun, gracious, and safe start to a new year, 2018!

All of us will rock the New Year!

We wish you the BEST!

Stay creative ~


aaduna - an online adventure with words and images - a globally read, multi-cultural, and diverse online literary and visual arts journal established in 2010.  Visit us at www.aaduna.org where we put measurable actions to our words.

Help us build community!  Share with your friends,  "like" our Aaduna-Inc facebook page and follow us on twitter @ aadunaspeaks !  

aaduna-Inc aaduna-Inc  Visit regularly for updates !
