In Celebration and Remembrance

aaduna extends jubilant wishes to contributors, readers, writers, poets, visual artists, fans and supporters who continue to make our journal a vibrant oasis of words and images, a nd an enduring platform for multicultural and diverse expressions. As you read this post, we trust you enjoyed a festive and merry Christmas; have kicked-off Kwanzaa with robust joyous first day activities, and will embrace with open arms a blessed and prosperous New Year filled with creativity and achieving dreams. These are the attributes that we celebrate. And in this time of holiday celebrations, we pause to remember the rich legacy and the well-lived life of Theresa M. Berry, mother of aaduna's publisher. Mrs. B or lovingly kn own as "Ma B" peacefully passed away on Friday morning, December 21, 2018 in Arlington, Virginia at the age of ninety-seven. Theresa M. Berry with son bill berry, jr., CEO, aaduna,Inc./publisher, aaduna as she celebrated her 94th Birth Day Ma...