Avenues on Wednesday Starts Today!
The aaduna concept was simple in its
intent and challenging in its execution…provide an avenue for an established,
emerging, and new voice to find a platform for his/her work. Simply, one or two poems. Poet’s Bio. A photo.
Every Wednesday throughout 2018. An open submission process based on the
availability of unscheduled Wednesdays.
Here is Frank’s contribution:
in the Woods
forgot to read chaos into the form of things.
told her that you can’t block a knight attack
she told me the number ‘five’ smells like daisies.
the nighttime fog
heard two men fighting in the woods.
of them screamed your name.
heart held out for a sign
the fire wouldn’t go out.
wrote the above and read it to you
the couch across from your calm gaze
you told me that the first line
the two men in the woods
you of my father.
am holding on to the ground with my feet now.
am learning how to let the weathered knot go.
Frank Heather is a Jewish poet,
originally from the Upper West Side of New York City. He received a degree in
philosophy and has poetry published or forthcoming in aaduna, Cordella
Magazine, Down in the Dirt Magazine, Epigraph Magazine, Eunoia Review, The
Eyewear Review, Independent Voices, poetrycircle, Rainy Day Magazine, The
Syzygy Poetry Journal, Toe Good, Uut Poetry, The Write Launch, and elsewhere.
Want to see your published or unpublished poem on the “Avenue?” Read on.
While society likes to pigeon-hole
cultural celebrations almost exclusively to certain months, the approach at aaduna is to permeate diversity,
multi-culturalism, and creative ideas throughout what we do. (Ok, we do sneak in genres on pre-ordained days
and times but we do it longer than a specific month!) Our plan is to present 1-2 poems and corresponding
brief poet bio (no more than 3 sentences,) and photo on Wednesdays throughout
2018. We will present an original poem/poet
[maybe two] that has been previously published or never published! No
review process. No editing. Your work posted as you intend. Copyright retained by the poet. Commercial
use of the poem by aaduna is prohibited. First come-first served. Rolling submissions period guaranteed.
Submissions are now open for postings starting in July. Share your original poem with our global readership!
Submissions are now open for postings starting in July. Share your original poem with our global readership!
Here is the small
must be submitted as a Word.doc, Times New Roman, 12 font size, single spacing,
complete publishing credit if previously published, work presented as you want
it posted. Poems will be archived by the
date posted on the blog so it will be available whenever you or others need to
access your work. Send full contact data
on the submitter, poem, bio (no more than 3 sentences,) photo (focused and
clear selfies are OK.) to info@aaduna.org – put Avenues in the Subject box.
Submitter will be advised in advance when the poem is scheduled for posting.
aaduna -
an online adventure with words and images - a globally read,
multi-cultural, and diverse online literary and visual arts journal
established in 2010. Visit us at www.aaduna.org where we put measurable actions to our words.
Help us build community! Share with your friends, "like" our Aaduna-Inc facebook page and follow us on twitter @ aadunaspeaks !

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