Wednesday’s “Avenue” graciously decided to skip a day!

At midnight, the spring/summer 2018 anniversary issue of aaduna launched featuring several intriguing poets.

The beforehand consequence was simple. 

“Avenue on Poetry” thought it would be gracious to acknowledge this special publication by waiting one day for its weekly presentation. That stance was to become (unknowingly) a momentous decision that was not in “Avenue’s” or aaduna’s control.
Aretha Franklin (google images)

Many of us woke up to and approached this morning with the devastating and heart breaking news that Aretha Franklin had passed away. More than just the Queen of Soul or a generational defining diva, Ms. Franklin was an American icon and world-wide phenomena. She made lyrics transition to poetic phrases that she eloquently sung over captivating melodies.  She charted and influenced core life-influencing episodes in our lives through her music, collaborations with other artists, her compositions, as well as the way she interpreted the music of other artists and made those songs her own.  Music. Lyrics. Poetry. Words. Aretha. Life.

This posting is a small and humble tribute to Aretha Franklin’s historical legacy and ongoing contributions that will surely impact generations to come.  “Avenue” and our anniversary issue willingly take second place, second fiddle, exist as an afterthought to the outpouring of love and affection for Ms. Franklin.  The aaduna community extends our sympathy, as well as warm and blessed wishes for her children and extended family as they confront the loss of their matriarch.


aaduna’s continued reach remains global in its intent and stays dedicated to its multi-cultural sensibilities.

This week’s featured poet resides in Colombo, Sri Lanka. We hope Aretha’s voice floated through that part of the world and brought joy and rhythmic movement to its people.  With her passing, we trust her global tributes will re-kindle her impact on people hroughout the world.   

Please greet, and aaduna welcomes

Indunil Madhusankha

Ignorance is Bliss
(Previously published in the Creativica Magazine on 11th February 2016)

She lives under the bridge

in a shanty made of plastic bags

and that is her sole shelter

She has never seen the inside

of those classy restaurants

which glisten like castles,

castles of the caliber

she has never even imagined

but heard of  in

“once upon a time” fairytales

She has never tasted

a chocolate milkshake

or a blackcurrant tea

But, perhaps a little sip of juice

left in the depth

of a plastic bottle

that she scavenged

from the trash

Nor has she ever even

seen a beef burger

or a tuna or shrimp submarine

She only knows

the hem of a hopper

or the rotting lump of cheese

that appeases her hunger

After all, it seems good

that she is unaware

of the existence of

such heavenly dishes

And now only I understand

why they say,

Ignorance is bliss


Ode to Physics

(Previously published in the Tuck Magazine on 27th October 2015)

A discipline of subtle beauty and influential efflorescence

Unmistakable part and parcel of the natural sciences

Supporting the humans to emerge victorious in diverse areas

Coherently elucidating the laws governing the entire universe

Replete with efficacious experiments and convincing theorems

Thus blending in chemistry with the queen of sciences, Mathematics

A discipline of vast research and astonishing discoveries

Rich with an enormous corpus of literature ever-flourishing

The sweetest fruit of the ardent immersion and perseverance

Of a gold-inscribed pantheon of lionized geniuses like Newton

A multiplicity of formulae, equations, simulations, and observations

Enhancing the immense zeal and curiosity of the countless practitioners

A discipline of intense relevance and meticulous craftsmanship 

Where are the songs recited in appraisal of your eminence?

Where are the accounts penned in celebration of your glory?

Oh, the discipline of Physics!

May you excel at the zenith of scholarship!

Putting back the frontiers of knowledge

Oh, Hail Physics!

Thou art the smartest of all sciences!


Indunil Madhusankha (photo provided)

Indunil Madhusankha is currently an Instructor in the Department of Mathematics of the University of Colombo. Even though he is academically involved with the subjects of Mathematics and Statistics, he also pursues a successful career in the field of English language and literature as a budding young researcher, reviewer, poet and content writer. Strikingly, Indunil’s works have been featured in several international anthologies, magazines and journals.


aaduna - an online adventure with words and images - a globally read, multi-cultural, and diverse online literary and visual arts journal established in 2010.  Visit us at where we put measurable actions to our words.

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