SAVE THE DATE (November 1st)– An Evening of Understanding, Knowledge and Action – Part Two – Harriet Tubman Boosters and social justice partners bring another pertinent issue to enhance and broaden the community’s sense of our America.

The topic may be uncomfortable as evidenced by the recent turmoil surrounding the confirmation of a new Supreme Court Associate Justice. Simply...

America is divided. 

The USA is split based on issues of fairness, equity, human rights and unfortunately, gender and electoral politics underpinned by deep seeded unresolved racial and cultural differences. With that said... 

I hope you embrace and understand this simple truth of America and its ongoing legacy.  

Interestingly, decades-old American History is set in stone until proven untrue by extensive scholarly, juried, and reputable research and academic re-interpretation based on peer accepted levels of scholarship. Such scholarship remains open for and amenable to further scholarly debate and refutation by opposing, respected intellectual viewpoints. However, there remains irrefutable events of American history that cannot be shaped by contemporary 2018 issues emanating from governmental Washington, DC; the whims of politicians seeking election or favor with Blue or Red constituents, or even the debate regarding fake versus real news. 

Therefore, I present a pivotal American History fact.

 Recy Taylor was raped.

Six young white men subjected MRS. Taylor to their perverse inclination towards sexual subjugation, violence, abuse, and perceived and misplaced notions of white male power and racial privilege. Yet... 

Mrs. Taylor found her courage and inner strength to fight back in Alabama, a state in the USA not known for its acceptance and respect for Black residents, female or male or Black folk in general regardless of state residency or country of origin!

Come, hear, and see Recy's poignant story that is grounded in the 1930s…the deep South…learn from an event that help mold the future nascent Civil Rights movement…to better understand the historical and prevailing treatment of women, especially African America females in these United States of America.

 Movie Trailer:  

SAVE THE DATE. (November 1st)

 “The Rape of Recy Taylor” – a new documentary film being shown in Auburn NY for the first time.

November 1, 2018
Screenings at 1PM and 7 PM
8 Exchange Street
Auburn, NY   

FREE and open to the Public.

PLEASE NOTE: The “Recy Taylor” film screenings will accept donations to create a fund to help the screening of relevant independent films that have the potential to broaden the community’s understanding of the importance of diversity of thought and opinion. No donated amount will be too small or too large.   

The screening of this documentary film is make possible through the generous sponsorship of the online literary and visual arts journal, aaduna, Harriet Tubman Boosters, and Harriet Tubman Center forJustice and Peace.  And with special thanks to Lisa Brennan (aaduna), Laurel Ullyette (HTB and HTCJP), and Angela Daddabbo (APT) for their graciousness of spirit and giving back to the community their wisdom and counsel to uplift and empower all of us! They are applauded individually and collectively for making these screenings possible.

And also SAVE THE SAME DATE (November 1st) to attend the 5:30 PM Nikki Grimes talk and presentation.  

Ms. Grimes is an award winning, nationally recognized children’s book author, poet and storyteller.  Her talk will be held in Stage Right at the Auburn Public Theater and sponsored by the Harriet Tubman Boosters and Friends of Seymour Library {Seymour Library is the epicenter of "words" in the City of Auburn, and a long standing vital depository of those life inspiring characteristics that make community libraries such a significant and critical aspect of everyday life for residents and touring visitors.}    

Nikki Grimes (Photo credit:  Aaron Lemen)

So come and hear Ms. Grimes. And then stay to witness a new documentary film that shaped American social justice back then, and continues to carry an impact on current thinking especially as Americans try to decipher and make sense of the events of the past few weeks in Washington, DC. This film may put into historical perspective the affirming aftershocks of gender inspired social justice movements and the birth of new women’s rights organizations in the contemporary age of social media platforms and instantaneous communications.  


November 1, 2018
Nikki Grimes
5:30 PM
Stage Right, Auburn Pubic Theater
8 Exchange Street
Auburn, NY
Sponsored by the Harriet Tubman Boosters and Friends of Seymour Library 

* * *

November 1, 2018 
“The Rape of Recy Taylor”
Cinema, Auburn Public Theater 
Screenings at 1 and 7 PM

Sponsored by aaduna, a thrice-yearly exclusively online literary and visual arts journal available at in partnership with co-sponsors, The Harriet Tubman Boosters and Harriet Tubman Center for Justice and Peace.

Both events are free and open to the public.

History's Hometown. Experience a part of what makes this City vibrant!


aaduna - an online adventure with words and images - a globally read, multi-cultural, and diverse online literary and visual arts journal established in 2010.  Visit us at where we put measurable actions to our words.

Help us build community!  Share with your friends,  "like" our Aaduna-Inc facebook page and follow us on twitter @ aadunaspeaks !  

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