“That’s All Folks”…at least for this season!
The guest blogger is the indomitable Ron Van Nostrand.
Ron Van Nostrand, Publisher/Olive Trees and M.C. "word, revisited" Photo credit: Debbie Stewart Cleveland |
It was a magical Thursday evening for all who attended the last ‘word revisited’ program of 2018. Three readers treated the audience to their stories in poetic form. The trio known as “peeps,” the name inspired by one of their poems about ‘chicks that click,’ consisted of Sue Scolaro, Janet Graham and Patricia D’Agostino. They were introduced by Bobbie Panek, who is the fourth member of their monthly poetry group.
Sue started off with poems about kayaking into the wild, another poem about the sacredness of the wilderness, the story of her father’s orchestra and the comparison to the band who now rehearses in her basement, a vignette about the moon, and a piece about the gingko biloba (aka the maidenhair tree) on the grounds of the Cayuga Museum directly in front of the Carriage House Theater.
Jan followed her to the podium with poems of her recent trip to Italy to track down her family’s ancestral home.
Pat told the story of the travels of the grand piano, which occupied her home and the pianist she held dear to heart. She also told a poignant tale of abortion when it was not legal and how it affected her personally.
After the intermission, everyone was treated to readers who participated in the open mic segment. Bobbie Panek started it off. Crystal Pierce then told a tale about a heron feeding on frogs, followed by Jim Ellis reading poems inspired by the election. Howard Nelson then read from his new book about the challenges of purchasing ‘Beer’ in the new age of micro-breweries on every corner. Dan Cleveland played a song about veterans, the lyrics of which, was a poem written by Pam Freeman, for which he had composed the music. Ron Van Nostrand, in wrapping things up for the year, read a piece about how with every ending starts a ‘New Beginning.’ The last one to read was Pam Freeman, who read about vengeance.
And that wraps up the 2018 season of ‘word revisited,’ with many thanks to those who make this series possible especially the Cayuga Museum of History & Art (Eileen McHugh and Kirsten Wise,) aaduna (Lisa Brennan and bill berry, jr.) Olive Trees (me,) and Debbie Cleveland who steps up to take photos when Lisa is not available. Thank you.
And Thanks to Ron Van Nostrand who programmed Season Two and served as its emcee.
"word, revisited" Season Three will kick off in March 2019.
"word, revisited" Season Three will kick off in March 2019.
That is all folks...until next year.
“word, revisited” exclusively sponsored by the CayugaMuseum of History and Art, the three decades young print publication, Olive Trees, as well as aaduna, an online literary and visual arts journal.
"word, revisited" is not associated with any other sponsoring entity
in its bi-monthly literary series.
aaduna - an online adventure with words and images - a globally read, multi-cultural, and diverse online literary and visual arts journal established in 2010. Visit us at www.aaduna.org where we put measurable actions to our words.
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