Barr & Berry…bill & Blyss

bill berry,jr., Publisher/CEO aaduna, Inc. and Shawnte "Blyss" Barr, featured poets at Seward House Museum 
1st Friday event on April 5, 2019

She is a rising and emerging poet and writer.

He rarely reads his work in public.

She possesses a quiet dynamism and inclusive spirit.

He tantalizes and lets loose his words to capture his emotional roller-coaster.

She is Yin.

He is Yang.

Or is it vice versa?

You decide.

First Friday

April 5, 2019


33 South Street

Auburn, NY

Original Poetry engineered by 

bill berry, jr.

 Live Music - solo piano- Dick Ford

Free Admission

Refreshments Served



aaduna - an online adventure with words and images - a globally read, multi-cultural, and diverse online literary and visual arts journal established in 2010.  Visit us at where we put measurable actions to our words.

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