"word, revisited" the start of the 2019 fall season in photos: Jeff Delbel, featured speaker

September 12, 2019 "word, revisited,"  at the Carriage House Theater, performance space of the Cayuga Museum of History and Art, Auburn, NY. 
Left to Right:  bill berry, jr., CEO, aaduna, Inc./publisher, aaduna; Kirsten Wise, Executive Director, Cayuga Museum; Teresa M. Motz, open mic; Crystal Pierce, open mic; Dr. Jeff Delbel, featured author; Ron Van Nostrand, M.C. and publisher/Olive Trees, a  close to 30 years print zine; Jim Ellis, open mic, and Dr. Howard Nelson, open mic.

Dr. Jeff Delbel reads from his book,  "Salvatore," the second book  in his trilogy.

* * * OPEN MIC * * * 







word, revisited” occurs on the 2nd and 4th Thursday at 6 PM. This county-wide literary event is convened at the Carriage House Theater, the multi-venue performance space that is adjacent to and part of the Cayuga Museum of History and Art. The museum sponsors this series celebrating writers in any genre with Olive Trees and aaduna. Admission is $3/person and all proceeds from admittance and refreshments go to supporting the ongoing work of the Museum.

Please join  us on  September 26th with  featured poet, Dionna Vereen!


aaduna - an online adventure with words and images - a globally read, multi-cultural, and diverse online literary and visual arts journal established in 2010.  Visit us at www.aaduna.org where we put measurable actions to our words.

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