aaduna, Inc. decides to get its feet wet
We have heard the phrase “get our feet wet” before, but may not know that the phrase's origin rests in biblical history.
From stories and film, we may know the Children of Israel fled Egypt and crossed the Red Sea under the leadership of Moses. However, it was Joshua who lead the chosen people across the Jordan River into Canaan, considered the “Promised Land.” Without trying to delve into biblical scholarship, the original words of the Lord and disciples have been contemporized to reflect that “We can’t get certain desired outcomes until we go forward and “get our feet wet.” {Joshua3: 13-15}
We have also heard phrases that deal with reaching for the moon.
From stories and film, we may know the Children of Israel fled Egypt and crossed the Red Sea under the leadership of Moses. However, it was Joshua who lead the chosen people across the Jordan River into Canaan, considered the “Promised Land.” Without trying to delve into biblical scholarship, the original words of the Lord and disciples have been contemporized to reflect that “We can’t get certain desired outcomes until we go forward and “get our feet wet.” {Joshua3: 13-15}
We have also heard phrases that deal with reaching for the moon.
I would add that we can appreciate the myriad intricacies of branches, but not be deterred by its formation to obstruct us from finding the necessary pathway that we seek.
The moon is closer than you think. And we are grabbing it while getting our feet wet.
aaduna, Inc. founded aaduna as an exclusively online literary and visual arts journal and that objective has not changed. With that intent continuing, the parent non-profit corporation recently decided to investigate the complexities and fiscal nuances of print publication. While aaduna will remain an online entity, the corporate mission is to establish a platform (not yet named) where limited, signed and dated copies of literary work (primarily chapbooks and novellas) can flourish, grow and build an audience that will help enhance the reading public's knowledge of the featured poet/writer. And quite importantly, the featured writer is a significant partner in this endeavor.
So, aaduna, Inc. decided to get its feet wet.
In a collaborative printing partnership with Rochester, NY based poet, writer and multi-media visual artist, Karen Faris, aaduna, Inc. welcomes the release of “The Death of Compassion” a poetry chapbook penned by Faris with several images of her visual work. With a limited edition of fifty (50) copies and safeguards barring any subsequent reprints, this book will be a valued keepsake and significantly marks a pivotal development in the Faris creative career and another bold and intriguing stance by aaduna, Inc.
In a collaborative printing partnership with Rochester, NY based poet, writer and multi-media visual artist, Karen Faris, aaduna, Inc. welcomes the release of “The Death of Compassion” a poetry chapbook penned by Faris with several images of her visual work. With a limited edition of fifty (50) copies and safeguards barring any subsequent reprints, this book will be a valued keepsake and significantly marks a pivotal development in the Faris creative career and another bold and intriguing stance by aaduna, Inc.
This limited edition book is now available for purchase (and not through Amazon or other big store retailers so think word of mouth, book readings, social media, contact with the author or aaduna publisher, etc.)
With a publication price of $16 and for a limited time, free shipping and handling, you can secure a copy by sending a check or money order made payable to aaduna, Inc. for $16.00 to aaduna, 144 Genesee Street, Suite 102-259, Auburn, NY 13021. Just let me know so I can reserve and secure your copy via a message to bill@aaduna.org
You are graciously encouraged to act sooner then later. And if you want a personalized note on your copy penned by the author include the exact wording with your check. And make sure we have a current telephone number, and /or e-mail address in case we need to contact you, and please write or print legibly.
We suspect this is how history finds its genesis. Be part of what will become a legacy.
Secure your copy of "The Death of Compassion" before the limited edition is sold out. Just know that "selling out" sooner then later is our expectation and strategic objective.
For further information or questions, send me an e-mail.
Stay creative. Reach for the moon. Get your feet wet. Each action is worth it!
bill berry, jr.
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aaduna - an online adventure with words and images - a globally read, multi-cultural, and diverse online literary and visual arts journal established in 2010. Visit us at www.aaduna.org where we put measurable actions to our words.
Help us build community! Share with your friends, "like" our @Aaduna-Inc facebook page and follow us on twitter @ aadunaspeaks !

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