When Crying reflects Happiness and Joy!
Under the leadership of Lisa Brennan and her unrelenting work with a variety of people and technicians especially our colleagues at GoDaddy, the www.aaduna.org has been regained.
As you may know, the site was hacked and hijacked and not available for several days.
Lisa worked to get it back and ensure the necessary safeguards and security protocols to prevent a reoccurrence.
We are instituting a different level of security review with enhanced monitoring systems.
And while the prepping and platforming of the pending issue has been delayed, over the next several days, we will regroup and endeavor to get the issue ready for launch as soon as possible.
We will keep the aaduna community advised. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we dealt with a still unknown adversary.
* aaduna is an exclusively volunteer-driven staffed and global journal. During this period of world-wide COVID-19, we remain keenly sensitive to the time commitments of volunteers as they grapple with personal, family and life issues associated with this global pandemic. While every step will be implemented to stay on our publication timeframe, delays may be predicated by the impact of this disease or an overloaded Internet. Contributors will be advised accordingly or there will be updates posted on www.aadunanotes.blogspot.com. We appreciate your understanding.
aaduna - an online adventure with words and images - a globally read, multi-cultural, and diverse online literary and visual arts journal established in 2010. Visit us at www.aaduna.org where we put measurable actions to our words.
Help us build community! Share with your friends, "like" our Aaduna-Inc facebook page and follow us on twitter @ aadunaspeaks !

I am happy that you have returned to the airwaves!...truly a refreshing brightness for my soul!
Thank you, Jack!