Brown Bag Lunch Event - Friday, March 21st, Noon-1:30PM - Equal Rights Heritage Center, Auburn, NY


Rev. Dr. Flora Wilson Bridges Brown Bag Lunch Reading, “On Becoming…” with excerpts from her book, Resurrection Song: African American Spirituality complemented by personal anecdotes
Immediately following the reading, there will be a moderator-led discussion and Q&A presented by aaduna. Free and open to the public. Email

Rev. Dr. Flora Wilson Bridges

For a decade, Rev. Dr. Flora Wilson Bridges has been pastor at Rendall Memorial Presbyterian Church in Harlem. Among other outreach, the congregation's Christian social ministry operates a twenty-bed homeless shelter in the basement of the church. Dr. Bridges administers this ministry. She also serves as a Union Theological Seminary adjunct professor at Bedford Hills Women's Correctional Facility. Prior to Rendall Presbyterian, Rev. Bridges served as Senior Minister of the First Presbyterian Church of Brooklyn. 

A native of Bainbridge, Georgia she grew up on Chicago’s South Side. She is an ordained Presbyterian minister in the New York City Presbytery. Dr. Wilson Bridges graduated from the University of Illinois with a Bachelor of Science in Communications; Yale Divinity School with a Master of Arts in Religion; and Vanderbilt University with a PhD in Religion. Prior to her relocation to New York, Flora served as the former Speghar-Halligan Professor of Ecumenical Collaboration in Inter-Religious Dialogue at Seattle University in the Graduate School of Theology and Ministry and pastor of the Madrona Presbyterian Church. She also formerly served as Dean of the Chapel and Instructor of Religion at Spelman College, and interim Dean of the Chapel at Fisk University.


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