Being home in the throngs of creative restlessness and peace

When do you read poetry? 

I suspect many of us read fiction on the beach, riding on public transportation, before falling asleep with the novel on our chest or lap, or with morning coffee instead of the morning’s delivered newspaper thrown haphazardly towards our doorsteps.

I may be wrong, but poetry brings forth images of sitting in a rocker with a multi-colored designed throw or blanket covering part of our body.  Enjoying a cup of herbal tea with the tea ball resting on a side plate, maybe a plate of cookies to nimble on, or the warmth of a sifter of brandy with recessed low lighting to reflect shadows in the room.  Of whispering the words of the poem infused with the cadences of soft speak to a loved one as that person seeks solace in our embrace, the sweetness of the spoken word.    

When do you read poetry?

Identify that ambiance setting for yourself, and when the next issue of aaduna comes out, nestle into your “spot” and read Ayendy Bonifacio’s poems.  In my mind, he brings forth imagery that enthralls and makes one sit back and reflect on possibilities.   

Ayendy Bonifacio  (photo provided)


Here is a very brief teaser from Ayendy’s poem “A Chance Encounter with Kanye”

The effigy of stars now settles; my retina focuses on these luminaries.
This cannot be truth; how can nature make itself so accessible to this particulate body?
It is as if I’ve never looked up before, witnessed their light in my eyes.

You will be able to read the full “Kanye” poem, as well as his “Black Matters,” and “The Old Cat” in the soon to be launched aaduna summer 2016 issue!

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aaduna - a timeless exploration into words and images - is a globally read, multi-cultural, and diverse online literary and visual arts journal established in 2010.  Visit us at where we put measurable actions to our words.

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