There's Chapman, Flenaugh, and know you wanna take a peek...go 'head.

Fiction writers have a way of transporting readers to different realms of consciousness and unimagined explorations of emotional highs and lows and hidden secrets.  Millie Chapman, TD Flenaugh and William Bretton Hodge are offering creative delights to nourish our spirit and motivate us to want more.  These writers along with their fiction colleagues in the aaduna summer 2014 issue will inspire.  Here are brief excerpts from each of these writers’ work:

From Millie Chapmans’ “Peony”

It stood twisted and arch-backed like the mangled fur of a stray cat.  It’s shadow, elongated by the low-lit window behind it, sliced mercilessly through the smooth surface of the unsuspecting white sheets. As the sun began its daily death, the shadow gained strength, spilling over the side of the bed and skipping down the ruffled bed skirt. It slithered across the hardwood floor toward the door and a young girl who stood with her back pressed firmly against it.
     Frozen in fear, Peony watched the shadow crawl toward her, as the earth slowly swallowed the sun.


From TD Flenaugh’s “Hardening Snow”

Snowflakes fell from the dusky sky and slid down the windows.  The few hours of tepid sunlight had burned away during school hours, and the hour ride home spun away the rest. At ten minutes after four, the bus stopped in front of Midway Auto Body Shop off 6.7 mile New Richardson Highway.  Midway Industrial Park was our family property:  the jaded yellow shop, the rusted cars, the dozen of stuffed garbage bags, and -- looming on the distant edge of the land -- our dilapidated mobile home. 


From William Bretton Hodge’s “Speak No More”

There was a time when in smoke hazed afternoons we made love on a cheap frameless mattress made feeble and lumpy by all the constant work we put against the old wrinkled fibers. We'd make love in the morning against the backdrop of morning news. Then after lunch we'd repeat the process and commit the carnal act again. We took pleasure in the most simple acts that our bodies could commit. Even late into the night we'd observe every freckle and soft wave of each others skin against the moody light of candle lit wine bottles. 

aaduna's Volume 4, Number 2 issue will be launching soon - STAY TUNED !


